As a parent, there is nothing more essential than keeping your baby safe. As soon as your little ones start crawling, it seems like the house feels like one big hazard! The HVAC, plumbing and electrical systems are especially concerning. With this guide from the Experts at Service Experts Heating,... Continue reading
CoolingIf your goal is to keep cool without spiking your energy bills, you’ll likely depend on your ceiling fan all the time this summer. A good approach is to operate a fan without AC until it gets really hot, then shut the fan off and use the air conditioner in its place. This is a mistake! Having... Continue reading
There are a couple of reasons why your air conditioner might be producing a popcorn sound. One possibility is that there is something trapped in the unit’s fan blades. Another possibility is that the unit’s compressor is starting to fail or there is a faulty motor bearing. It might... Continue reading
Happy Earth Day! Here at Service Experts, we believe that it’s vital to do our part to protect the planet. That’s why we’re sharing some tips on how you can make your home’s HVAC system more energy efficient. What Is Earth Day? Earth Day is a day to... Continue reading
Most people expect their air conditioners to make some noise when it’s running. But if a buzzing kind of sound persists even after your air conditioning shuts down, it might be because something isn’t working correctly. Whether it’s a faulty motor or an erratic electrical connection, it’s... Continue reading
Each time your air conditioner turns on, it should run for several minutes before turning off again. The complete process is known as a cooling cycle, and it’s central to how your HVAC system maintains comfortable indoor temperatures. So if you’ve noticed your AC keeps shutting off, comfort... Continue reading
Your residential air conditioning system uses refrigerant, a chemical that allows the system to cool your home. While an AC system’s refrigerant supply is self-contained, leaks do sometimes develop. If you’ve recently attempted to service or even tune-up your air conditioner, you may have... Continue reading
Things can get stuffy fast when your air conditioner won’t turn on in Fort Lauderdale. Thankfully, Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning is here to help you keep your cool, even when your AC isn’t starting properly. Here are eight possible reasons why your air conditioner... Continue reading
As we get started enjoying the summer, our A/C units work harder than ever to keep us cool. Unfortunately, the more HVAC systems operate, the sooner they’ll be needing repair or replacement as machinery gets worn out from normal operation. And just as the demand for repairs is set to peak around... Continue reading
Whether you add a sunroom, family room or other room to your home, being comfortable in your new room no matter the weather is important. However, they can make a unique problem for heating and cooling. This is because extending ductwork is pricey. And that your heating and cooling system may not... Continue reading
Summer might seem like it’s still a few months away. But before you realize, you’ll be switching from heating to cooling. Soon enough your air conditioner is working around the clock to maintain cozy temperatures. It’s smart to prepare for the increased usage before temperatures really start... Continue reading
Cozy isn’t usually a word used to describe a garage. But many homeowners make the most of this location as a workshop for home improvement projects or tinkering like woodworking. Mulling transforming your garage into a home woodshop? By having heating and cooling, you’ll have the ability to... Continue reading
Your air conditioner works tirelessly to keep indoor temperatures pleasant. But sometimes things don’t work properly and ice collects in or around your cooling unit. This may damage delicate components or even stop your air conditioner from running. If you’ve found ice on your air... Continue reading
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